Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in?
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Opportunity knocks at my door this morning. Will you let me in? What will you do with me?
When my car won’t start for the second morning in a row…when I have to rearrange my schedule and put off going to the gym again.
Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in? What will you do with me?
What will I do? I want to complain…but instead I plug in the battery charger, call the mechanic, and hope that we can still get it there in time for me to make my much-needed coffee / playdate with a friend.
When my son asks for a hug. I sit down on the floor and see the remains of a week’s worth of dinner preparation on the floor. Stale cheese. I need to sweep.
Hug mommy?
Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in? What will you do with me?
When I sit down to write this post for the first time, and patter patter comes little feet.
Sit mommy?
He wants a breakfast companion.
Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in? What will you do with me?
And so I ignore the post, the sweeping, the stress of the morning.
And I sit down and hug him.
I sit down and watch him eat toast and pretend his toast is a matching game. “This a match? No…This a match? YES! Is a match!!!”
And I breathe in this moment. Because it’s an opportunity I might not ever get again.
Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in? What will you do with me?
This post is part of a weekly feature on another website called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s topic was “Opportunity.”

Ms. Kathleen
Good questions to be sure… When opportunities arise what do we do? Cute photos of your little one. Have a wonderful day 🙂
Janine Huldie
So very true the question you ask and love how you took time to smell the roses and enjoy time with Ezra!! 🙂
Hey! I got in! Had to go through Internet Explorer…so it must be a Chrome glitch. Anyway, great post!! I don’t know why we as mothers have to make ourselves breathe in those moments…I know I don’t do it enough- been working on that!!
Yay!! I was thinking it might be a browser glitch!!
Erica {let why lead}
I love the phrase, “Will you let me in?” So fitting here. Thanks for making me think about what I’m letting in. Best wishes to you!
Visiting from the new Bliss Diaries linkup, btw!
Thanks for stopping by!