Our family was established with our marriage in 2008. We added our son, Ezra, in 2010. These posts are our story.
Tactics of infancy {two steps forward, twenty steps back}
I long for the day when he will learn to self-soothe. But expecting that of him has just left us all frustrated and exhausted. So, maybe for now, I'll choose the twenty steps…
Camping and Calm Baby {a little update and about my weekend}
The rain patters on the tin roof. I’m wrapped up in a quilt in an Adirondack chair, my second cup of coffee at my feet. The morning air is cool but pleasant. The…
I don't know if I fully believe that hope can change everything. But at least for the last three days, I've felt a spark of hope.
When the camel’s back just keeps breaking
I wish I could quit. Just lay down and say, "That's the last straw. My back is broken. I give up." But with this job, there is no laying down. No quitting. No…
Beyond the ABCs and 123s {in which preschool resources aren’t enough}
There's only one problem: there is far more to life than book smarts. And there's far more to becoming a successful little boy than knowing the difference between a trapezoid and a triangle…
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 08.12.14
And I want you to know that somewhere, in that mess you look at and call life, there is beauty there too. Grasp it. Hold onto it. Share it. Because it is your…
When you are finished with being a mom {on calling it quits}
The only problem is that motherhood is never finished. It's not a job you can simply walk away from.
On #whitespace, staying home, and tomato suckers
To know that saying no to the good and yes to the better; cutting out the busy and embracing the less-involved; to shunning the pin-worthy and grabbing hold of the easy; avoiding the…
A few random things {because if I don’t blog I just might go crazy}
some of the randomness that's been going through my head the past few weeks