Never let your kid take a 3 hour nap… (and other mom musings before 8am)
In which I wax eloquent about Karma, rewrite Ecclesiastes 3, and share deleted scenes from Mom's Night Out.
The Adventures of the ChickFilA Cow (The Mother’s Day Gift That Kept On Giving)
My husband told Ezra that we were going to take Cow on our trip with us so that he could have all sorts of adventures. And that we would take pictures of Cow…
When your child does everything the hard way
So, to all of the moms of all of the difficult children out there: It will probably never be easy. But it will always be worth it.
Mother’s Day and Special Needs Parenting
As a special needs mom on Mother's Day, I feel full of joy and hope. Though I do not always know where this journey is taking us, I do know all things are…
How to potty train a boy in 2-years-and-counting without losing your mind
I thought I would share some advice from a been-there-rocked-that-(NOT) mom who obviously knows the BEST way to potty train a child.
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 4.26.14
Thank you so much for your outpouring of heartfelt comments on my last post. It was so nice to feel less alone – and I was reminded yet again of the power of…
When babies become big boys (and random ramblings about summer)
It's not always peaceful, but it's more...I dunno...settled? So now the thought of summer doesn't usually send me into a panic anymore.
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 03.16.14 {in which I post 40 photos and hope I don’t break my blog}
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 03.16.14 {in which I post 40 photos and hope I don't break my blog}
Options for the mom who is too tired to cook…
Balancing a tight budget, food allergies, healthy eating, and chronic fatigue as best as I can!
I’m not lazy. I’m a “real mom” with Chronic Fatigue
I don’t really want this to be my reality. But it is, so I am trying to rest in grace while trying to navigate mothering through my limitations and feel less alone in…