Stay {Five Minute Friday}
Today for the first time I am participating in this thing on another website called Five Minute Fridays…where bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for five minutes. “No…
why i loved my job ~ oh really?
In case you are just stumbling upon this post without having any clue as to the massive undertaking I have taken on with my blog…you should know that I am moving my entire…
When real moms cook Thanksgiving Dinner
I suppose it would help if I didn't stop to write a blog post in the middle of trying to cook my Thanksgiving Dinner. Oh well...
Real mom
Toward the end of the summer, I started reading a great book on motherhood called Beyond Bathtime. I won’t go into a lengthy review in this post, other than to say it’s definitely…
You know you’re a mom when… (Walmart edition)
You know you are a mom when a trip to Walmart by yourself after the baby goes to sleep feels like a much-needed vacation. You are going for four things: a return, the…
Livin’ the dream…
0615 wakeup. Stumble to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee (which I thankfully had all set out the night before…just had to push a button.) Read a Psalm and half of…
Postpartum Depression: The Darker Side of Motherhood
My baby is going to be two years old in three days. Memories of his birth and babyhood flood my mind…a lot of good memories. But others are darker. Scarier. And the truth is…
What toddlers learn from taking walks with their parents
Walking with a toddler provides a learning experience filled with endless discovery!
“Mommy and Me” ~ The Bigger Picture
Two weeks ago, I learned about a local opportunity for a “Mommy and Me Bootcamp” at the lake, an exercise program designed with busy moms in mind that involves exercising with your children.…
I do a lot… I matter
You go above and beyond and then way beyond that You do it all, yeah, you wear every hat Hopin’ someone that matters will realize you matter “Nothing to Prove” by Lonestar Lately…