Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
What to do when your church isn’t meeting your needs
I'm asking you to focus less on the problem and consider the possibility you could in fact be part of the solution.
forget where you “should be” and “give God your ugly”
But sometimes, the first step of surrender is admitting to God that you aren't ready to surrender.
What motherhood taught me about legalistic Christianity
Being the perfect mom became my new legalism.
You may think the sky above is falling – but can you hear Jesus calling?
I know you are scared, but I won't let you go. You aren't "too far gone" for me. I'm still here. I haven't gone anywhere. And I'm still loving you, holding you. I'm…
Cheating on my church: God is bigger than our denominational boxes
But that very brief time that I spent at that church didn't pull me down. In contrast, it really opened my eyes to a lot of things: I realized that the body of…
Roses in the dumpster: seeing God in everyday life
But God isn't nearly as far away as you think. Open your eyes. Look around you for his love - for his grace - today in the ordinary, in the human, in the…
Disconnect: when God just doesn’t seem relevant
Life just got a whole lot bigger and scarier. But the God I knew was still small and stuck in the box I created for him with my incomplete understanding of his grace.
Modesty: a beautiful picture of God’s grace
But now, Christianity still so often promotes a system of modesty that is based in shame. We feebly and fearfully adopt "standards" and try to cover up our sin, our shame, with our…
Plan A, 2.0
It was confusing...still believing in the ideal of being a "good Baptist girl" who followed her perfect husband into "full-time Christian service," yet realizing that not only was it probably never going to…
“I will keep believing that God still has a plan”
Healing didn't happen overnight, and there were so many moments - moments like the summer of 2006 - that were pauses on the journey where I simply held onto faith in God's plan.