The Preschool Years
Toddler homeschool, preschool. Toddler play ideas. Educational play and fun. Sensory play ideas.
Sparkhouse Frolic Books for Kids: Little Steps, Big Faith
“It is never too early to teach kids about God.” Sparkhouse Family believes that kids can begin learning about God as they begin developing through their childhood. Thus, they have created a wonderful set…
Preschool Graduation: Ezra’s Trials and Triumphs
Yesterday was Ezra’s preschool graduation. Tomorrow is his very last day of preschool, and falls exactly two years and four months from the day I first sent him off to preschool. I felt…
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 06.25.15
I saw my counsellor yesterday, and she kept telling me how far I’ve come in the last year. She encouraged me to keep counting my blessings and thinking on the things that are…
When the last day of school feels too much like the first {thoughts on surviving a very long year}
I’ve been planning this post for the last few days…in my head, you know. Today is Ezra’s last day of school for the year. And he’s been through so much. Preschool one, suspension, expulsion,…
Believing in my son {an update}
In just over two weeks, our son will be graduating from his inpatient behavioral therapy program. {If you are new around here, check out Ezra’s story for more information.} I just finished filling…
Encouraging independent play (with children who hate being alone)
If you have a very extroverted child, especially if that child is an only child, you might be frustrated by blog posts that talk about how easy it is to keep children occupied…
Visual boundaries for children: why kids need them and how to use them
Over the course of Ezra’s treatment in behavioral therapy, we have learned about certain parenting strategies that have been incredibly effective. One of those strategies is the use of visual boundaries. Children need…
Happy Little Bits of #Whitespace Christmas
Having a whitespace (less stressed) Christmas sounded really good on a blog post, didn’t it? Ha-ha-ha. In reality, I’ve been very very busy. However, not too stressed, so, there’s that. I have said no…
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 09.27.14
I really have no words for how difficult the last few weeks have been for our family. Our son’s behavior has led to both a suspension and expulsion from his private preschool (although…
Beyond the ABCs and 123s {in which preschool resources aren’t enough}
There's only one problem: there is far more to life than book smarts. And there's far more to becoming a successful little boy than knowing the difference between a trapezoid and a triangle…