Mothering Through Fatigue {A Series For Tired Moms}
I’m a mom who struggles with chronic fatigue. This is my story of mothering tired.
I never really planned on my blog taking this direction. I’ve always written a lot about motherhood, but I write about a lot of different things too, like faith and marriage.
But it is this topic – mothering through fatigue – that brings desperately tired women to my blog every single day.
Maybe you have CFS like I do, or maybe you have some other chronic illness that results in fatigue. Or maybe you just have children. Because that’s tiring enough as it is.
I don’t know your story. But I can tell mine. And through my story, hopefully I can encourage you that you are not alone and that you can make it through each exhausting day.
When “mommy breaks” just aren’t enough
When I’m not enough to be a good mother
My slow journey away from attachment parenting
When you’re “too tired to be a good mother”
How to be a better mom while being exhausted
when you’re “tired of being a good mother”
I’m not lazy. I’m a “real mom” with Chronic Fatigue
Options for the mom who is too tired to cook…
When you are finished with being a mom {on hiding under the covers and calling it quits}
At-home preschool resources for the very tired, non-creative, really busy mom
A Sunday Blessing for the Tired Mom
9 lessons learned from mothering through fatigue
How to keep sane when your child won’t sleep
Why millennial moms are so tired
Dear Tired Moms this Christmas season
New Years Resolutions For Tired Moms {+ a FREE PRINTABLE}
Dear exhausted mom who is really tired of snow days
Pursuing self care and asking for help (in which we make some changes)
Dear tired mom whose baby won’t sleep
When you’re too tired to be a good wife
How Tired Moms Can Find Sabbath Rest
Recommended Reading:
Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet You in the Mess
Hope for the Weary Mom Devotional: A 40-Day Journey
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
Fight Like a Mother: How to Be a Mom with a Chronic Illness
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Thanks for sharing your story 🙂 I have Chron’s and often I am exhausted beyond explanation; it’s really hard to explain to people how it affects every aspect of your life and that it’s not a choice or an attitude. Pinning to get the word out there and support other mama’s!
Thank you so much for sharing. My best friend has chrons (she’s actually in the hospital right now with a flare up!) so I know that’s really not fun either.
Thank you hun, for putting your experience and true emotion into your blog. I too suffer from Fibromyalgia/CFS and going through a possible onset of Lupus (all from my dad’s side). We had two girls 11months apart and had my oldest in private school, where she broke her arm (a whole other story for your blog, she was 2 at the time, smh). Now we are looking for another school but in the meantime, I am home with them for the majority of the day till my husband comes home but then they don’t sleep that well at night. So, can’t say this is the best time for me..
I’ve suffered myself from bouts of chronic fatigue over the years as well never more so than when I had my daughter. You alwats feel like your running half a tank even when you are feeling better. I was diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis when my daughter was 6 months old. I actually diagnosed myself through the symptoms (thank you Dr Google) and went to my own doctor and made him do the tests. I go from being able to function normally to everything piling up and I don’t feel like even getting out of bed. Ibhave periods of time where my daughrer playing and leaning on parts of me is painful especially my joints. I also have on and off IBS like problems depending on what I’ve eaten. Wheat, dairy, soy, nightshades and some nuts give me problem s. I’ve been told that hypothyroidism can mimic cfs as well as fibromyalgia and can be the root cause of them.
It is worth looking into websites like yourbestthyroidlife, paleomom and drknews.
Good luck with your journey.
My thyroid levels have always been normal (I’ve had them checked multiple times by both medical and holistic docs). Thanks for the information though. I have a lot of food allergies and going off of the offenders has definitely helped.