What I Did This Summer ~ August 2012
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August was another fun month. It was even more fun than June and July because my daddy was home a lot more. I like Daddy. And his sunglasses.
One day mommy let me paint as a special treat. It was fun! I liked to paint the canvas but it was more fun to paint myself.
I watched lots and lots of Thomas. He’s my favorite. Especially when I’m sleepy.
One Saturday, my mommy and daddy left me at the CDC so they could go on a date. I like the CDC and I was a good boy. When they came to pick me up it started raining. We were all hungry so we stopped at Taco Bell. It was raining so hard daddy had to carry me in running super fast. I thought it was so fun and I GOT WET!!!!!! When we got home I took a walk in the rain with mommy.
Watching Thomas is even more fun when I get Daddy to watch with me. Even if he is sleeping.
I ate my first ever big-boy sammich. It had “meat circle” and cheese. It was nummy.
Mommy took me to a playdate at a friends house. I was kinda tired so we didn’t stay very long. But my friend had these Thomas toys. I loved them so much I wanted to take them home to my house. But Mommy wouldn’t let me. So I cried and cried and cried. So her friend had pity on me and let me keep one of the toys. She’s awesome. So then I had this Thomas toy and now I take him with me everywhere. Even to sleep. And the gym. And the bathtub. I think he likes toast.
I played with Thomas while mommy was on the computer. I don’t know why she seemed annoyed.
Mommy took me to PWOC for something called a “kickoff.” Not sure what that’s all about because I’m not supposed to kick people. But I got ba-moons so that’s all that matters.
Later on that day I took my lawnmower on another walk. Thomas came too. Mommy said I should put Thomas in my pocket so it would be easier to push the lawnmower.
But I didn’t like Thomas being in my pocket. I wanted to hold him. And my rock. And push my lawnmower. I like multitasking. No, I don’t need any help, Mommy. I didn’t need it the last time you asked, remember? Nor will I need it the next. Seriously Mommy, you can stop asking me now. I got this.
Okay, it’s been close to a mile now. I’m starting to get tired. I think I’ll pull my lawnmower instead.
I finally did give in and let Mommy carry my lawnmower. But she was really proud of how far I got on my own.
I played with “Dack-un” a super lot this month. He is such a good friend to me. One time he even came into my house to get me to play!
Sometimes the boys from across the street come over too. They like to play with me and Dack-un.
Dack-un has a really neat car. If you push a “butt” on the handle it goes fast. I like to ride car.
I watched more Thomas with Daddy. While we ate cereal.
I also watch Thomas in my playyard. One time I escaped to get a closer view.
I still take naps. Mommy likes it when I take naps. Mommy says I’m a long baby.
Once a week I get to see the “trash truck.” It’s pretty exciting stuff!
At PWOC I got to color a picture. Mommy says I have a vivid imagination.
I helped Mommy unload the dishwasher. My actions far exceed her expectations.
One day I was so sleepy while watching Thomas that I lay down on the floor. Mommy thought it was cute that I was lying on the floor. But she said that if I cuddled with her, I would be more comfortable. She was right. Ps I like crackers.
When I go to the CDC I like to carry my own backpack.
One day Mommy was bored. So was I. So she got out her camera and started taking pictures. Sometimes I cooperate.
Other times I’m what Mommy calls a “Stinker.” I don’t know what that means. All I know is that thing is big and shiny and looks like fun. It is saying, “Ezra! Ezra! TOUCH ME!”
This is one of my favorite spots in the house. I love to sit on the chair and drink juice and look out the window.
Daddy says this is a really great picture of me. I wouldn’t know. I’m just being me.
Just before we went on our trip to Illinois, Mommy got sick. She was resting in bed because she said that the room was going round and round. I had to go see her. I like to cuddle with Mommy, and crawl on her, and bounce, and giggle. I think that made her feel better.
So, that’s what I did in August. That and we took a trip in the car. It was long. I wanted to “get ouuuuut.” But we got to eat fries. And see Gramma and Granpa and Kurt. I like Kurt. And I had a Thomas party. Thomas is awesome. I TWO!!!!
Oh, and skebbohs. They are my favorite. I MESS!!! The end.
