Health, Wellness, & Self Care
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Momma Goes Back to School, Motherhood, Special Needs Parenting
YMCA: A Mom’s Best Friend {Why Every Mama Needs the YMCA}
Dear YMCA: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” I jest, but only a little. But I feel impressed to tell you “my YMCA story,” because it’s a good one.…
How to deal with spiritual abuse triggers at church
Nearly every Sunday morning I sit down in the pews of our church with ease, knowing that I am safe and loved. But that doesn’t keep me from sometimes being blindsided with songs,…
- Beauty in the Mess, Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Miscellaneous, Momma Goes Back to School, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How to catch your breath when life is a whirlwind
I’ve been wanting – no, needing – to write a blog post about current life happenings for a few weeks now. But I kept putting it off, because…where do I start? Year so…
How being in the hospital is nothing like a mommy vacation
Maybe it’s just me. But sometimes I have Mommy fantasies. Most of the time, these fantasies involve me, an empty hotel room, a TV remote, and copious amounts of chocolate. But on my…
Nourish: how I’ve grown in 2016 and my plans for 2017
At the beginning of 2016, I felt like I was ready for forward momentum. For growth, for change. Now 2017 is upon me and I find myself asking this question: How do you…
Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide for Special Needs Families (120+ Links!)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… But you know that’s not always the case. For kiddos that thrive on routines, face behavioral challenges, get overwhelmed quickly, need special diets, and more,…
My Self Care Must-Haves (As a Special Needs Mom)
Self care is so important for special needs parents. Over the last two years, I have very much evolved in how I have accomplished self care in my life. Below are my top…
What quitting chiropractic taught me about myself
I have a secret confession: I haven’t visited the chiropractor in over a year. Chiropractic has been a part of my life since I was about seven years old. But here’s what happened…
Introversion: I’m in turtle mode and that’s okay
I saw my counselor today. We met for an hour. I was exhausted before we even got going. When I got out, all I wanted to do was take a nap. That, my…
- Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How Tired Moms Can Find Sabbath Rest
“For so he giveth his beloved sleep…” Our Sunday School teacher reads the words, and I literally laugh out loud with a snort. Let’s just say that I wasn’t feeling all too holy…