Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 09.27.14
I really have no words for how difficult the last few weeks have been for our family. Our son’s behavior has led to both a suspension and expulsion from his private preschool (although…
Hold – and how I failed the #ILoveYouChallenge {Five Minute Friday}
I am holding him in my arms. Squeezing so tightly I know my arms will probably be sore tomorrow. He is thrashing and his eyes are shut so very tightly. I am begging…
Tactics of infancy {two steps forward, twenty steps back}
I long for the day when he will learn to self-soothe. But expecting that of him has just left us all frustrated and exhausted. So, maybe for now, I'll choose the twenty steps…
On forgiving my ever-changing body
If motherhood has changed me (emotionally, spiritually, psychologically), does not my body also have the right to be changed by motherhood?
When the camel’s back just keeps breaking
I wish I could quit. Just lay down and say, "That's the last straw. My back is broken. I give up." But with this job, there is no laying down. No quitting. No…
Parenting styles, individual people, individual needs
It was nearly two years ago now when I came out on my blog denouncing attachment parenting, saying simply, “Attachment parenting didn’t work for me. And, probably more importantly, attachment parenting didn’t work…
A Sunday Blessing for the Tired Mom
Blessed are all the moms who were forced awake before they were ready to care for needy little ones...
Dear twenty-something mom…
If I had to go back, I would still do it all over again, just the way it happened. But that's not to say that it hasn't been really really hard to mother…
When you are finished with being a mom {on calling it quits}
The only problem is that motherhood is never finished. It's not a job you can simply walk away from.
Imprints on my heart {a post about pregnancy and early miscarriage}
I'm thankful for the word pregnant on an EPT. Because that was mine, and no one can ever take it away from me.