Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Dangly pink earrings and a million regenerations {a lesson in identity from Doctor Who}
And I must keep changing - keep moving forward. That's what life is. Becoming a new person over and over again. And just like the Doctor said, "...that's okay. That's good. You've got…
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014
Guilt-inducing hymns, the try-hard life, and recovery
So you won't be able come here and find someone who is put together or who breathes inspiration into your life. Sometimes I wish I could be that for you - but I…
Breathe, just breathe {raw, unedited}
Right now I just want to sit here and listen to One Republic and drink my vanilla chai tea latte and let the words tumble out and not care how they fall. The…
On #whitespace, staying home, and tomato suckers
To know that saying no to the good and yes to the better; cutting out the busy and embracing the less-involved; to shunning the pin-worthy and grabbing hold of the easy; avoiding the…
Fight, make love…belong {Five Minute Friday}
He's where I belong. I'm where he belongs. And that's never gonna change.
- Five Minute Fridays, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014
Exhale {Five Minute Friday}
Sometimes I exhale the stress of a moment. Other times I exhale the stress of a lifetime.
A few random things {because if I don’t blog I just might go crazy}
some of the randomness that's been going through my head the past few weeks
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014, Writing and blogging
Waving the white flag: giving up and gaining #whitespace
Well ladies, I've dropped out of the rat race and I'm waving the white flag of surrender. Do you always have to give up something to gain something? I say yes. But the…
A letter to my former self on her high school graduation
Next Saturday, on a beautiful sunny day in May, you'll turn your tassel. Your perfect day will be the beginning of a tumultuous decade of change and pain and growing up the hard…
A girl and her jeans
I don't know exactly how to put into words how these jeans make me feel...all I know is that they do.