31 Days of Preparing for VBAC {An Introduction}
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I started preparing for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) pretty much from the moment I brought Ezra (my first child) home for the hospital. His birth was scary, traumatic, and disappointing. I knew that the next time, I wanted a vastly different experience.
I did a lot of research over the five years between his birth and Little Brother’s. I made a lot of lifestyle changes, including exercise and dietary changes. When we moved to NC in 2013, I picked a chiropractor certified in Webster technique in preparation to have an easier pregnancy and delivery. I researched birth options and doulas nearly two years before we conceived of Little Brother.
So when I finally saw that second pink line, there wasn’t much left to do. I set up my prenatal appointments, emailed the doula I had chosen (yes, that day), and set my focus on healthy diet and exercise.
Yet, there was still this part of me that wondered…how do I prepare?When you look online for VBAC support and preparation, most of what you read can be summed up in the following advice:
- Find a supportive healthcare provider
- Hire a doula
- See a chiropractor regularly
- Eat healthy
- Exercise (preferably walking and yoga)
- Sort through emotions from your prior cesarean experience
The advice left me feeling unfulfilled. It was a checklist that I could already look at and say, “Check, check check…” (except for #6, to which my response was, “Yeah, but HOW?”)
What about ME? How do I prepare my heart and mind to do this? How do I expect success, while still being realistic enough that I’m not devastated again if this doesn’t work out?

Knowing my tendencies for perfectionism, I didn’t want to fall into a trap again where, “If I just do everything right, check all of the boxes, it will all work out.”
I wanted my pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum experience to be more whole…regardless of the outcome.
I wanted to find spiritual and emotional healing through the experience.
And that’s exactly what happened. While I did not end up having a VBAC with Little Brother, I did have a very beautiful, respectful, and healing TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean). The preparation and proactivity that I poured into his pregnancy and birth definitely made a difference in the experience for me.
While I know that this topic is not something that a good majority of my readers can benefit from, I feel that it still needs to be written and shared. So feel free to follow along, or share with a friend. If I can help just one woman find healing through her VBAC or TOLAC experience, it will be worth it.
One final note before I share the series contents:
I will not be discussing or comparing the risks of VBAC and elective repeat cesarean. My blog is not a place for debate. This series is not about VBAC being a “better” choice or to make anyone feel badly about a different choice. My two dearest friends are elective repeat cesarean moms. VBAC is only one choice. This is for the women who have already made the choice to try for VBAC.
Introductory Content from the Archives
Ezra’s Birth Story {primary cesarean}
Reflections on the darker side of motherhood: my postpartum depression story
New Year, New Life {Little Brother’s pregnancy announcement}
35 Weeks Bumpdate! {and maternity photos}
Women of Courage: Aprille’s Brave Journey to VBAC
Little Brother is here! {and short-ish version of the birth story}
Series Contents
Day 1: 31 Days of Preparing for VBAC {An Introduction}
Day 2: Little Brother’s Birth Story {the long version with pictures and video}
Day 3: People you need on your VBAC support team
Day 4: How I chose my VBAC doula
Day 5: Preparing for birth when your husband has anxiety
Day 6: Preparing for VBAC with Our Birthing From Within Keepsake Journal
Day 7: My VBAC pregnancy and labor playlist
Day 8: Art Therapy Project: Magazine Scraps Birth Affirmations Collages
Day 9: Ultimate list of printable birth affirmations and scriptures
Day 10: Affirmations for ANY birth (even a c-section!)
Day 11: pending review
Day 12: Optimal fetal positioning: what does science have to say?
Day 13: VBAC-friendly resources for Triad Moms (Guess Post on Triad Moms on Main)
Day 14: Finding emotional healing from my primary c-section
Day 15: Fighting discouragement in pregnancy
Day 16: Balancing being proactive and being obsessive about your VBAC
Day 17: Relaxation apps and CDs to relax during pregnancy and prepare for birth
Day 18: Pregnancy Art Therapy Project: Affirmations Coloring Pages
Day 19: Art Therapy Project: Birth Affirmation Pillow Cases
Day 20: Preparing for VBAC: Processing your birth fears
Day 21: Facing your fears: planning for cesarean when you are preparing for VBAC
Day 22: Preparing for VBAC: Letting go in the 3rd trimester
Day 23: Little Brother’s Baby Shower and Momma Blessing Day
Day 24: Surviving prodromal labor
Day 25: The Best Laid Birth Plan (guest post by Jessica Hoover)
Day 26: VBAC Preparation and Life Long Lessons (guest post by Jaime Schrock)
Day 27: Cut, Stapled, and Mended: A Book Review
Day 28: pending review
Day 29: There’s no such thing as a “failed VBAC” ~ A letter to the CBAC mom
Day 30: Lessons learned from trying for VBAC
Day 31: No Matter What, I Believe: On Broken Faith and Healing Birth
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31 Days is an annual writing challenge and linkup hosted by Crystal Stine, “where bloggers pick one topic and write a post on that topic every day in October.” Learn more about 31 Days here!

Kelly S
Yikes, sorry, it posted before I was ready.
I am looking forward to reading this! I had a VBAC almost a year ago, and I scoured the internet for resources….and there aren’t a whole lot!
These look like helpful topics, and unique ones too!
I narrowly avoided c-section with my first son. Despite appearing to have wide hips, my son got stuck on my pubic bone on the way out, and he was in the right position. I’m worried my next might end in a c-section. How would you prepare for that? Was yours an emergency c-section? And how does seeing a chiropractor change your likely outcome?
Jenn, there’s a whole post on chiropractic in the series (you can read it here), that might answer some more of your questions.
For my second pregnancy, chiropractic care was a huge part of my prenatal care. In the end, my baby was still too big for my pelvis, but it did help with positioning which I think helped me in labor. My second c-section was not emergent, but definitely necessary, and had we waited much longer, my son might have ended up in the NICU because my uterus was infected from being in labor so long.
Wow, I didn’t know your uterus could get an infection. Is that from your water being broken for an extended period of time? I hope your recovery went well!
Infection can happen at any point after the water breaks. My infection hit at about the 12 hour mark.
Kelly S
Jenn, did you have an epidural? I had an epidural with my first, which resulted in c-section from her being “stuck.” I found that avoiding an epidural, and thereby being able to move freely in labor and pushing, REALLY helped with my second labor (successful VBAC).
I don’t mean to imply that there is something wrong with epidurals, or that getting an epidural means you’ll have a C-section, or vice versa… just sharing something to consider from my experience. 🙂