About that three-letter-word…
Join me as I open up the conversation in this post over at Singing Through the Rain, 6 Things I Wish I Had Known About Sex (Before I Got Married).
Fight, make love…belong {Five Minute Friday}
He's where I belong. I'm where he belongs. And that's never gonna change.
love songs to help you through a rough spot in your marriage
Here's a list of some songs that I hope will encourage you wherever you are in your marriage.
Virginia Is For Lovers: Our Virginia Vacation
Summary and photos of our spring vacation Mother's Day trip to Central Virginia - including Natural Bridge, Virginia Safari Park, Harmony Hill Bed and Breakfast, Boulder Crest Retreat for Military and Veteran Wellness,…
Guest Blog: How to not have an affair at work
How to not have an affair at work (some advice for women in the workplace from a married man's perspective)
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 03.16.14 {in which I post 40 photos and hope I don’t break my blog}
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 03.16.14 {in which I post 40 photos and hope I don't break my blog}
He’s gonna have all of me {an anniversary post}
I've realized that you never really stop being scared of marriage because you have to trust God to hold it together when life keeps throwing crap at you and you are just holding…
On men who lust and the women who love them
He needs you to be his wife, his partner, his confidant, his lover, his forgiver - not his bandage, his judge, his nag, his snoop, or his enemy.
You won’t always be amazed by your marriage: a letter to my former self
You won't always be amazed by your marriage because marriage isn't always amazing.
I prayed for his wife
That wife that I prayed for him to find has her hands full with living the answer to my prayers.