9 books I read in 2013
This post would be more accurately titled "9 books I read (or finished reading) in 2013." I love starting books. Finishing them, well, sometimes that happens too!
December Link Love
December Edition ~ Monthly Link Love @beautifulinhistime.com / Great reads from across the internet!
November Link Love
Monthly Link Love - a new series I'm starting to share some of my favorite posts and videos from around the blogosphere!
Guest post for Brightpeak Financial {takeaways from #Allume}
I'd like to share how my husband and I have dealt with the drastic reduction in our income over the last year. Head over to Brightpeak to read "How to Make a 50%…
- Beauty in the Mess, Birthdays, Ezra, Family, Messy Faith, Miscellaneous, Recovering Perfectionist, The Preschool Years
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 10.02.13 {AKA what life has been like for the last two months}
Finding God's beauty in spite of our messy, everyday life. A lengthly post of pictures and updates from August and September 2013.
Open your eyes. Find red around you. It's there. Notice that, and see what you find. See it's beauty. It may surprise you.