Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
“composing a beautiful existence that barely needs a savior”
"I impress the world with passionate, visible morality while avoiding God altogether. There is something to humility that is costly...something resembling outright declaration of the wreck we are without God rather than…
When you see Lightning McQueen in yourself
“All he cared about was winning the big race and becoming famous.” That’s the line out of the board-book version of Cars I just read to my son. And it made me wince.
Final thoughts on my husband’s six years in the Army
It’s within an hour of midnight on the evening of our last official day in the Army. I just finished watching about three straight hours of science fiction television, and even at the…
Jump {Five Minute Friday}
Today I am participating in a weekly feature on called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s…
Here {Five Minute Friday}
I'm here, in my new hometown. I have the keys to my new home on my key ring. I've checked my new mailbox twice. I'm here. I've been making excuses to visit my…
Home {Five Minute Friday}
Today I am participating in a weekly feature on called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s…
Earning God’s love
For four years of marriage, I based how good of a wife I was on my performance. ...I stopped singing and shook my head at the irony, as I realized that this problem…
The importance of community in a Christian marriage
I wrote the following words about my husband and my marriage in a private message to two close friends of mine. “He has been getting on my nerves all day…” Around the New…
- Finding "Home" in 2013, Five Minute Fridays, Messy Faith, Military and Veteran Life, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Afraid {Five Minute Friday}
Today I am participating in a weekly feature on called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s…
Cherished: choosing to cherish the hard motherhood moments
Of the 23 lullaby CDs that we own that could be in the CD player this week…it’s this one. It’s ironic really. It’s the only one that has the word “cherished” in the…