Pregnancy & Birth
New Year, New Life
‘Twas the Sunday before Christmas and we went to the park as a family, where we gave Ezra a sign and asked him to read it. He sounded out the first word pretty…
Encouragement for the Pregnant Special Needs Mom
And that power will pull you through the difficult times when you are carrying life inside you and carrying a special one in your arms.
Imprints on my heart {a post about pregnancy and early miscarriage}
I'm thankful for the word pregnant on an EPT. Because that was mine, and no one can ever take it away from me.
Miscarriage hurts – grieving my early miscarriage even years later
It's still strange to say "Yes, he's our only one," when I know that's not entirely true. But most people don't want to hear about the miscarriage I had five years ago.
One woman’s survival story
Imagine, for a brief moment, that you are a young newlywed who has just found out that you are expecting your first child. Then, imagine landing in the hospital with that child before…
Ezra’s (Cesarean) Birth Story
“Let labor begin on it’s own…” (Lamaze Healthy Birth Practice #1) On the evening of September 6, 2010, this was the one thing I was trying to repeat over and over to myself.…
A New Life Begun
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and…
40 week update and pictures!
Well, it seems that Squirt has decided to surprise everyone and stay in mommy’s tummy a bit longer! We really thought we would have our baby by now, but I guess Squirt wants…
37 weeks!
My baby is now “full-term”…which means I’m pretty much living in “any day now” mode. I think that the last month of pregnancy is definitely the most difficult, especially in this heat! I…
Getting Closer!!!!! {36 weeks pregnancy update}
Well, baby is almost here!! I’ll be 36 weeks this coming week, and it appears that Squirt really wants to come out!!! Baby is dropping lower every day, and I’ve been having a…