Whitespace: one word for 2014
- Miscellaneous, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Pregnancy & Birth, What I Learned, Whitespace: one word for 2014
What I learned in May 2015
1. Whitespace was good in theory. Living it is ten times better. When I thought I was living whitespace, I was just scratching the surface. This morning I read over this post that…
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014
What I’ve learned from #whitespace {#oneword365 recap}
But in all of the busy-ness, that Still Small Voice has been calling me slow down and smell the roses and stop doing all. the. things. With these words I walked into…
Happy Little Bits of #Whitespace Christmas
Having a whitespace (less stressed) Christmas sounded really good on a blog post, didn’t it? Ha-ha-ha. In reality, I’ve been very very busy. However, not too stressed, so, there’s that. I have said no…
I’m dreaming of a white(space) Christmas
I urge you - mom's especially - to take some time (before we get all caught up in it all) and evaluate what you want Christmas to look like for you. Make sure…
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014
Guilt-inducing hymns, the try-hard life, and recovery
So you won't be able come here and find someone who is put together or who breathes inspiration into your life. Sometimes I wish I could be that for you - but I…
On #whitespace, staying home, and tomato suckers
To know that saying no to the good and yes to the better; cutting out the busy and embracing the less-involved; to shunning the pin-worthy and grabbing hold of the easy; avoiding the…
- Five Minute Fridays, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014
Exhale {Five Minute Friday}
Sometimes I exhale the stress of a moment. Other times I exhale the stress of a lifetime.
A few random things {because if I don’t blog I just might go crazy}
some of the randomness that's been going through my head the past few weeks
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Whitespace: one word for 2014, Writing and blogging
Waving the white flag: giving up and gaining #whitespace
Well ladies, I've dropped out of the rat race and I'm waving the white flag of surrender. Do you always have to give up something to gain something? I say yes. But the…
- Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Whitespace: one word for 2014
Room to breathe, room to live
Here it's different. There is ROOM and SPACE and I feel like I can breathe.