All. The. Routines., Mount Adultmore, and finally being able to breathe
The rain is dripping on the sky light window. I hear the ticking of the clock. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my blog, my platform, my audience, my words. I…
What I learned in July 2015
1. Never try to see fireworks that happen after a baseball game. Especially when you have small children, because it will be just your luck that the ballgame will go to 11 innings…
Friday Favorites ~ Edition 06.05.15
So here’s my short and sweet post for the day…er…week. Favorite small business that you need to checkout: Remarkably Rare Designs Favorite recipe: “RAW” PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES Favorite funny video: Housewife Fails Favorite Links! When…
- Miscellaneous, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Pregnancy & Birth, What I Learned, Whitespace: one word for 2014
What I learned in May 2015
1. Whitespace was good in theory. Living it is ten times better. When I thought I was living whitespace, I was just scratching the surface. This morning I read over this post that…
Friday Favorites ~ Edition 05.08.15
Welcome to the first edition of Friday Favorites, where I’ll be sharing my favorite links, videos, blog posts, apps, products, and more! Favorite heartwarming video for moms: These Kids Had To Find Their…
A few things I learned in April 2015
Wow. April was such a full month for us. And in a lot of the best ways. I’ll go on to share some of these things in my next edition of Beauty in…
April 2015 Link Love
We skipped Link Love in March, so I have quite an offering of amazing posts to offer you this time around! I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did! THIS…
Protecting my children online
I’ve been considering this for months, perhaps even longer by now. This question, “How do I go about protecting my children online?” What should be shared? How much is too much? What right…
What I learned in March 2015
Linking up today with Emily Freeman, sharing all of the random things I learned in March. 1. The best TV romances are the ones you don’t see coming…especially between your two Grey’s Anatomy…
What I learned in February 2015
1. Apparently, pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome is a thing. I thing I have. It comes and goes but when it comes, it comes – and I feel like I must have slept with…