Three words you might need to hear today
It doesn't matter if it's not glamorous or you aren't getting any attention for what you do. He sees it. This isn't small.
Miscarriage hurts – grieving my early miscarriage even years later
It's still strange to say "Yes, he's our only one," when I know that's not entirely true. But most people don't want to hear about the miscarriage I had five years ago.
20 posts to encourage young new moms {from 3 years of first-time mothering}
What I do here at Beautiful in His Time is remind moms that life is messy, they aren't alone in the mess, and God can make that mess beautiful - even when it's…
Realizing you can’t do it all (on reprioritizing, restrategizing, and taking scissors to my schedule)
I've been trying to do way too much. So I took scissors to my schedule and started cutting.
in case you think you are the only mom whose 3-year-old is NOT in preschool
It's an exciting yet apprehensive time of year for these moms who choke back tears of pride mingled with sadness as their little ones tottle off with backpacks on their backs. For the…
Knowing that the mundane matters
Sometimes, just by showing up, the mundane moments come to mean more than the "intentional moments." Sometimes, the mundane just-showing-up moments are the moments that matter the most.
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 08.18.13
...somehow, I see beauty woven through the days and start feeling better
Letting him be lonely
I hope that someday, he will forgive me for all the times I said, "No, not now, Mommy is working..." and "Ezra, go play" and "Leave Mommy alone"
one place you can go for TOTALLY FREE child entertainment
Our family calls it “the special store.” We have gone there for potty-training reward outings, special daddy-son dates, and on days like today: when the park is too hot, Barnes and Noble is…